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Enrichment Menu

The Enrichment Menu is available to all students to complete on their own time outside of class. 6+ students who complete midway mastery c...

Tuesday 27 September 2016


Our first unit will cover factors and multiples. A special type of number is called a prime number. You'll remember that prime numbers only have two factors: itself and one.

It's easy to rattle off the first few prime numbers - 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13...

But how about when numbers become larger? 4,729 and 7,919 are both prime numbers.

179,424,691 is also a prime number.

So is 797,003,437!

How do you think these huge prime numbers are discovered?

Adam Spencer is an Australian radio host. He isn't a professional mathematician; rather, he is simply fascinated by math like many of you!

 One of his mathematical interests is prime numbers. In his TED Talk, Adam describes how "monster" prime numbers are discovered by mathematicians all over the world.

Why do you think "hunting" for "monster" primes is so fascinating? 
Would you be interested in helping hunt for monster primes?

Monday 26 September 2016

Re-Assessment Policy

Submission of Late Work & Re-Assessments

It is expected that students complete all assignments on time. If an assignment is late, the student is expected to turn it in as soon as possible. Repeated lateness may result in an action plan involving the student, parents, and administration to ensure the student is able to complete assignments on time moving forward.
Students who are absent for a summative assessment are expected to communicate with the teacher to schedule a make-up assessment. Due to the length of time needed to complete a summative assessment, this will likely take place after school.
Summative re-assessments are available under the following conditions:
For students at Meeting Expectations and wishing to earn Exemplary, students must:
  • Have the retake form with test signed by a parent prior to scheduling the reassessment
  • Complete all HW prior to the initial assessment
  • Demonstrate strong learning behaviors throughout the unit
  • Show evidence of additional practice
  • Correct the initial assessment
  • Show evidence of exemplary performance during the unit (ie on formative assessments)
For students at Below or Approaching Expectations, students must:
  • Complete all HW prior to the reassessment
  • Show evidence of additional practice
  • Correct the initial assessment
  • Have the retake form with test signed by a parent prior to scheduling the reassessment

The re-assessment grade will replace the original grade, even if the grade is lower.  Typically, projects will not be re-assessed. As opportunities for re-assessment are provided, “extra credit” tasks are not available.

Sunday 18 September 2016

Locker Problem Explanation Reminders

Here are some friendly reminders for your locker problem explanation.

You must explain HOW you solved the problem. This includes telling me, in logical order, what you did to solve the problem

After that you must explain, using appropriate math vocabulary, WHY your answer works. 

You must have a visual that helps explain your answer.

Remember to refer to the rubric as you complete your response.
1: Below Expectation
2: Approaching Expectation
3: Meeting Expectation
4: Exemplary
  • Solution is not presented
  • Student uses a representation that is not appropriate to the problem
  • No steps used in solving are described
  • Math reasoning and concepts are not explained
  • Math vocabulary is not used
  • A solution is presented
  • Student uses a representation (picture, table, diagram, and/or algorithms) to organize thinking
  • Steps used in solving are described
  • Some math reasoning and concepts are explained
  • Some math vocabulary is used appropriately in explanation
All of the following are present:
  • Correct solution is presented or incorrect solution is presented as the result of a minor computational error
  • Student uses an appropriate representation (picture, table, diagram, and/or algorithms) to organize thinking
  • All steps used in solving are clearly described in logical order
  • All math reasoning and concepts are clearly explained
  • Precise math vocabulary is used appropriately in explanation
All of the following are present:
  • Correct solution is presented
  • Student uses an appropriate representation (picture, table, diagram, and/or algorithms) to organize thinking
  • All steps used in solving are clearly described in logical order
  • All math reasoning and concepts are clearly explained
  • Precise math vocabulary is used appropriately in explanation
  • Students make a connection or interesting observation about the problem
  • Student presents another way of solving the problem and/or presents thoughtful critique of another way

The format below can help you get started with your writing if you become stuck.

1. Summarize the problem: What is the problem about & what did it ask you to do?
a. This problem involves…
b. This problem is about...

2. Solution: What did you do and why did you do it?  What is your final answer?
a. First I…because…
b. Then I… because…
c. I realized… because…
d. My final answer is...

3. Is there another way to solve the problem?

4. Share any connections or questions you have

All of this information can always be found on the Mathematical Explanations tab of my website!